Friday, June 7, 2019

Ethics Answers Essay Example for Free

Ethics Answers Essay1) Yes, I agree with Emmanuel Kant. It is said that a mans worth is measured by how much he helped others to ease their burdens, and acted with compassion for the well- universe of the majority. But first, he must pre coiffure his integrity and self-respect before he can serve his fellow man. As Kant stated, one who transgresses against himself loss his manliness and becomes incapable of doing his duty towards his fellows. The most important duty to us is the preservation of ones biography and dignity. 2) Yes. Certainly, suicide is abominable. And Kants arguments against suicide are very convincing and tenable. We, as human beings, are vested with the gift of willpower, the freedom to choose things that make us contented and contented. It would be a waste if this willpower is used as a means to destroy ones very life. Suicide defeats the purpose of what makes us human, that is to serve others and dignify ones life. 3) In this instance, the Congressman lost his self-worth in two ways one, by accepting bribe, and the second by being drunk. Because a mans worth is by doing his moral duty to himself and others, this duty would not be attained because he transgresses against himself. Kant observed that he who transgresses against himself loses his manliness and become incapable of doing his duty towards his fellows. A man who fails in his duty to himself loses worth absolutely. 4) Worth in Emmanuel Kants concept is the capacity of an individual to dress his moral duties to himself and others. It is a mans over-all personality. Thus, a man who has destroyed and cast away his personality, has no intrinsic worth, and can no longer complete any manner of duty to himself and to his fellow human being.

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